What Is Your Level Of Pain?

A Call to Faith and the Great Commission

When going to the doctor for relief of pain, one of the first questions usually asked is, “On a level of 0 to 10, what is your level of pain?” Your answer is needed for the doctor to consider the cause and treatment.

A more ultimate question each of us should ask ourselves and answer is, “On a level of 0 to 10, what is my level of faith?”

The answer to both questions can be subjective, based upon our tolerance of pain and our commitment to our faith. A level 5 pain for one may be level 8 to another. We may see ourselves as level 5 in our growth and maturity in faith which may be different than how others of similar commitment see themselves.

Only the Lord can judge us objectively but it is no less important for us to consider where we are in our faith journey. If I see myself as level one or two and that convicts me to grow beyond that, I can make the effort.

It is just as important as leaders or members of our church to make the same inquiry about how our church is living up to its Biblical imperative of The Great Commission. We are to worship, serve, teach and spread the Good News. If we see shortcomings it is our responsibility to do something about it.

– Dick Webber

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