Keep contribution and pledge records for each individual and/or couple (husband, wife, couple, children), and for each revenue account, based on the user’s desired accounting needs. Principles of fund accounting are used, but the accounting system places no limitations on the accounting methods desired, and there is no limit to the number of accounting period dates.
Each contribution is properly handled for pledges or non-pledges, benefits received, and stock and in-kind gifts. Data entry is speeded using a check imager that identifies the contributor and check number, and stores an image of the check. Stored check images can be recalled and sent by e-mail to contributors when desired. By the use of “revenue codes” the system automatically makes all debit and credit entries to the proper accounts.
Automated data entry
Automate accounting data entry using a check imager that scans the front and back of each check and stores the images on your computer, prints your deposit endorsement on the back of the check, and prints notice on check front you have processed the check. When data entry is complete, the system sends the deposit to your bank electronically all in one step.
Church contribution features:
- Automatically create entries to the General Ledger to balance each fund when cash is deposited to a bank account in one fund and the revenue belongs to another fund.
- Revenue entries automatically post to the proper accounts according to identified pledges, identified unpledged, and unidentified revenue.
- During revenue data entry the user can specify the bank account, deposit date, deposit number, and week. Posting by bank and deposit automatically consolidates all entry batches within a deposit.
- Inquiry windows allow inquiry for any accounting period, current, or past, or from any beginning date.
- Print account Status Reports by individual or by revenue code. Options for month and week summaries, optional addresses and more make these very flexible reports.
- Send contribution reports by e-mail. The system automatically prints address labels or envelopes and a printed copy for those without an e-mail address.
- Print contribution reports for non-contributors. These reports may be made by ages, member status, accounting periods, from history files, and by other selection criteria.
- Merge posted pledge and contribution information to word processing for communication purposes. Up to eight ranges of revenue codes may be specified.
- A contribution analysis by range gives information as to the size of contributions received and averaged on a weekly, total or monthly basis without identifying specific individuals.
- Transmit check images to the bank automatically to eliminate depositing the physical checks.
- Use software to generate tithing statements.
- Use pre-printed forms with church-defined text, or self-sealing mailers.
- Use optional credit/debit card, ACH (Automated Clearing House) and text messaging for payments and contributions. These are integrated with the RDS accounting.
RDS uses the banking industry standard for Remote Deposit Capture to send your deposits.
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