The time to check the safety of your parachute is before you jump. Better yet, before you get in the airplane. My brother-in-law tells about training young Navy pilots in the early days of World War II when open cockpit biplanes were used. Once in a while a student would forget to fasten his seat… Continue reading Is Your Church Secure?
Author: admin
Physical Inventory Tracking
Does anyone know the value of the assets of your organization? When a natural disaster occurs, whether flood, tornado, fire, earthquake, or hurricane, it can be difficult to prove the value of assets lost or destroyed. Insurors want some kind of proof. Furniture, computers, sound and video equipment, musical instruments, heating and air conditioning equipment… Continue reading Physical Inventory Tracking
Mobile Check-In
Introducing Mobile Quick Check-In How many times have you wished you could check people into an activity to record their attendance from a remote site? Or during worship service? RDS Quick Check-In is a new program that provides a simple way for people to check in using a mobile device (such as an iPad), and… Continue reading Mobile Check-In
Accounting Security
Churches are not immune from the frailties of our human condition. It is just as important for churches to have in place procedures to help people be honest as it is for individuals to be honest. Under stress an individual might be tempted to do things they would not otherwise consider. At that point the… Continue reading Accounting Security
Default Organization Data Location
Important New Feature An important feature has been added to the RDS church management system Version 9.16.02. This feature sets the default location of your system so that you do not log into an annual archived file by mistake. We recommend you go to System Control on your application menu, and select “Organization Data Location… Continue reading Default Organization Data Location
Last Minute Summer Program Tips
Summer is practically here and that means ministries change focus to prepare for youth summer programs. With time ticking away it’s important to not get overwhelmed and to make sure that we’ve done all we can do to make youth programs as enjoyable as possible. So with that here are some last minute tips to… Continue reading Last Minute Summer Program Tips
Duplicate Individual Type and Unique Identification
Unique Identification (UID) Every individual entered into RDS is identified by a system-generated Unique Identification (UID). Users do not see this ID. The UID that identifies an individual never changes. When an individual or family is re-numbered in the database, the UID remains unchanged for each individual. The Insta Check-In applications, for example, use the… Continue reading Duplicate Individual Type and Unique Identification
Mobile Access
Are You Mobile? Being mobile brings more efficient and better communication and saves time when calling on people. With the right mobile devices you can have remote access to your RDS Advantage and RDS Connect database. Pastor Jones is calling on members at the hospital, and wants to look up all those who are in… Continue reading Mobile Access
If You Had An Airplane…would you want to fly with a pilot who had no training? Yet this is what you are doing if your staff has not received recent training in your RDS Advantage or Connect system. If training is required to be a pilot, how much more important is it for the Lord’s… Continue reading Training
Church Membership Declining in U.S.
Church Membership and Participation in the U.S. is Shrinking – Should We Care? 1. “Mainline Protestant denominations in the United States continue to a decades-long decline, while the memberships of Pentecostal traditions are on the rise, according to new figures compiled by the National Council of Churches. The figures in the 2011 yearbook, compiled by… Continue reading Church Membership Declining in U.S.