Event Scheduling and Google Calendar on Your Website

Google Calendar on Your Website

Sometimes things that are free are not worth even that cost. Here is something free that is excellent.

You can install the Google Calendar on your website without cost. Better still, your RDS Event Scheduler can export your scheduled events directly into the calendar, so you do not need to maintain events in two places.

You can have multiple calendars and RDS can populate the events for each one. For example, an all-church calendar, youth calendar, missions calendar, staff calendar (password protected), music calendar, and more.

Addresses from the Events Scheduler can be exported into the Google Calendar so that locations can be mapped.

Your RDS Event Scheduler can send e-mail messages to staff personnel who need to prepare for events (food service, child care, set-up tables and chairs, projectors and screens, etc.).

You will find more information about features of the RDS church management software Event Scheduler by downloading the Tutorial from the RDS Client Login on the website, www.rdsadvantage.com.


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